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Advanced Power BI
with LERN Courses Online
Expand your knowledge of Power BI Desktop to the highest level. This course focuses on the advanced capabilities of Power Query, Data Modeling and Reports. Check for data inconsistencies, design efficient queries, create proper relationships, and write DAX code to ensure reports update quickly and accurately. Learn more about this online course >>
This course can be taken individually or with two additional courses: Introduction to Power BI and Intermediate Power BI to earn a complete Power BI Certificate.
Advanced Six Sigma Green Belt
with LERN Courses Online
The final course in the Six Sigma Green Belt program is the Advanced Six Sigma Greenbelt course which teaches participants to improve and control processes. Topics included in this course include hypothesis testing, design of experiments, and statistical process control. Participants will have to apply the concepts learned in the Introduction and Intermediate Six Sigma Green Belt courses. The instructor will share many handouts, spreadsheets, and web links that have tools participants will use while completing Six Sigma projects. Learn more about this online course >>
This course can be taken individually or with two additional courses: Introduction to Six Sigma Green Belt and Intermediate Six Sigma Green Belt to earn a complete Six Sigma Green Belt Certificate.
Advanced SQL
with LERN Courses Online
Take your SQL query skills to a new level by learning how to write more advanced SQL queries for enhanced decision making. In this course, you will learn how to write advanced subqueries, advanced join queries, and UNION queries that query more than one table. You will learn how to use transaction processing to ensure SQL statements execute completely or not at all and how to create stored procedures that enable you to store SQL statements for execution. Learn more about this online course >>
This course can be taken individually or with two additional courses: Intermediate SQL and Introduction to SQL to earn a complete Certificate in SQL.
Ama de Casa Bilingüe
with Career Training Online
Los estudiantes aprenden todos los aspectos de la capacitación en el hogar desde la limpieza de las habitaciones, superficies y objetos hasta saber qué productos de limpieza usar y qué herramientas se necesitan para realizar el trabajo correctamente. Los estudiantes comprenderán cómo lavar la ropa y cómo hacerlo, y las diversas técnicas para separar, lavar, secar y planchar. Los estudiantes aprenden sobre la organización del hogar y la administración del tiempo, comenzando con los fundamentos de cómo organizar un cajón, un armario, un armario y una sala. En esta sección, también aprenden cómo administrar su tiempo y crear listas. Los estudiantes aprenden los principios básicos de la cocina para que estén familiarizados con cocinar una comida básica, poner una mesa y servir. Aprenderán sobre ollas, sartenes y utensilios para cocinar. Aprenderán sobre cubiertos, cristalería, porcelana y cómo colocarlos en una mesa cuando sirvan comidas informales o formales. Los estudiantes aprenden sobre salud y seguridad cuando trabajan en una casa para que estén preparados para emergencias e incidentes inesperados. Finalmente, el estudiante que aprenda de Ama de Cas Bilingüe aprenderá a hablar inglés en el trabajo para la profesión de limpieza - vocabulario y frases útiles. Aprende Más >>
Basic Housekeeping
with Career Training Online
The Basic Housekeeping course will teach the necessary skills needed to start or advance a career in housekeeping. You will build a foundational skill set that can be used to work at private residences or hospitality groups like hotels and resorts. You will also learn the important elements of professional conduct, such as creating a resume, interviewing, accepting or rejecting job offers, and more.
This course covers household cleaning techniques, such as proper use of cleaning materials and tools. You will also gain an understanding of laundry, from separating and washing to drying and ironing. You will also learn about organization, time management, and other fundamental aspects of effective housekeeping including kitchen service and basic childcare. Upon completion of the course, you will have a well-rounded and diverse skill set that would make you a valuable addition to any employer. Learn more about this online course >>
Beginning Conversational Spanish
with LERN Courses Online
Designed for beginners, we will have you speaking and reading Spanish in no time. You will practice the basic building blocks of the language and common idiomatic expressions. You will know enough vocabulary and grammar for simple conversations, and you will learn how to ask and answer questions. Whether you speak some Spanish and need a refresher, or no Spanish, you will complete the course with the skills to communicate in Spanish. Learn more about this online course >>
Blogging and Podcasting for Beginners
with Ed2Go Online
Blogging and Podcasting are great ways to express yourself, but maybe you're not sure how to start. This course will teach you how to successfully plan and create your very own blog and podcast using hands-on exercises and free web tools. Learn more about this online course >>
Bookkeeping Certificate
with LERN Courses Online
How do you manage the finances of a business? Whether you are an entrepreneur, running a family business, or just looking to advance your career and add to your skill set, this Bookkeeping Certificate will provide you with the knowledge needed to measure, and manage, the financial health of your business. Learn more about this online certificate >>
This certificate includes three courses that can also be taken individually: Understanding Debits and Credits, General Ledger and Month End Procedures and Closing Procedures and Financial Statements.