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Driver Operator Pumper
in Fire Training Center
Driver Operator Pumper | May 12-23 | 8 AM-5 PM
with Curt Coles

The University of Arkansas Community College at Batesville provides fire training for citizens of North Central Arkansas through the White River Fire Fighting Center. Select training courses are certified through the Arkansas Fire Training Academy (AFTA) in Camden, AR.
Firefighters must have completed the following prior to this course:
- Chapter 1 - Introduction to Fire Service and Firefighter Safety
- Chapter 5 - Firefighter Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- Firefighter I
Lesson Goal:
This course is based on standard NFPA 1002 and is designed to give the student the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities to inspect and perform preventative maintenance on a fire apparatus. The student will be capable of performing routine tests, inspections and service functions on the apparatus system and components along with knowledge to Drive/Operate and the use of Water Supply, Sprinklers and Standpipes. Class duration is two weeks long, May 12-23, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. There will be an IFSAC test given on Friday, May 23rd.
Course length: 80 hours
To register for this course, trainees will need their FEMA Student Identification Number (SID). To register or retrieve a FEMA SID, please visit
Prior to registering for this course, please obtain approval from your Fire Department Chief or Training Officer. Deadline to register: April 28. Per AFTA requirements, you must be registered two (2) weeks prior to the class, or you will be unable to attend.
For more information, call 870-612-2082 or email