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Wildland Firefighting
in Fire Training Center
Wildland Firefighting
with Regina Gregory

This wildland firefighting course is provided by the Arkansas Department of Agriculture's Forestry Division. This class introduces how fire departments and Forestry Division personnel will work together to stop a fire. Wildland firefighting and structural firefighting are very different situations, yet we share many of the same thought processes when we deal with fires. The instructor for this class is Regina Gregory. Course length: 8 hours.
This class will not qualify you as a wildland firefighter, however, you will learn how the Forestry Division works on fire incidents. Through communication, cooperation, and coordination, our agencies will be able to provide a positive outcome to the incident, the fire is extinguished. We always do this with safety in mind.
In order to receive a certificate for this course, the student must: Attend the entire course, take an end-of-course test, and pass the test. The test will cover the course material.
About the instructor:
Regina Gregory began her career in forestry in May 2005 as a Fire Plow Operator, where she played a crucial role in combating wildland fires. After a decade of dedicated service, Ms. Gregory was promoted to County Ranger in October 2015, assuming a broader range of responsibilities within the forestry department. In July 2021, she took on a new challenge as a Wildland Training Instructor, sharing her knowledge and expertise to train the next generation of forestry professionals.
To register for this course, trainees will need their FEMA Student Identification Number (SID). To register or retrieve a FEMA SID, please visit
For more information, call 870-612-2082 or email