Complete Beekeeping Short Course
with Dr. Jon Zawislak
Watch the whole online series here >>
Have you ever thought about keeping honey bees, but can't decide if you are ready to make that commitment? Our popular educational series, the Complete Beekeeping Short Course, is now available for you to watch online -- for free! All lectures are presented by UA Extension apiculture specialist Dr. Jon Zawislak, an entomologist and EAS-certified Master Beekeeper. Learn more here >>
Testimonial: "Since 2013, I have attended five of the in-person Beekeeping training classes that Dr. Jon Zawislak has provided. Each class was a three part/three night presentation over a three week period. For me, beekeeping is such a wildly interesting endeavor. I could go on forever about the amazing honeybee. There was so much information provided in Dr. Zawislak's class that I could not absorb it all with only one round. I have never met anyone as knowledgeable and passionate about a non-religious subject as 'Dr. Z' is with his bee classes." Freddie Mohlke
Online Class
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