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Workforce Training
Certificate in Leadership Development
with LERN Courses Online
Especially geared for future leaders in the Gen Y generation (born 1980-1999), the certificate provides how-to practical information on advancing your leadership potential and making a difference in both the workplace and in society. Learn more about this online course >>
This certificate includes three courses that can also be taken individually: Leadership Principles, Developing Your Leadership Skills and Developing Your Professional Career.
Certificate in Mastering Excel
with LERN Courses Online
A must-have skill to succeed in business, whether an entrepreneur or a valued employee, is the ability to create, edit and manage spreadsheets. Microsoft Excel is the most used spreadsheet tool in the world. Learn more about this online course >>
This certificate includes three courses that can also be taken individually: Advanced Excel, Intermediate Excel and Mastering Microsoft Excel.
Certificate in Mastering Video Marketing
with LERN Courses Online
Video marketing is the latest hot new marketing trend. Shoppers who viewed product videos were 144% more likely to add the product to their cart. Video with good SEO has a 53% higher chance of showing up on page one of Google searches. When done correctly, video can tell a story, and stories connect people. Learn more about this online course >>
This certificate includes two courses that can also be taken individually: YouTube for Business and Video Marketing.
Certificate in Non Profit Administration
with LERN Courses Online
Non-profits today need to be run like a business in many respects. You have competition, a need to generate income and a surplus, and staff need to be even more productive. Get the best training on revenue generation for nonprofits, and program evaluation for nonprofits, with our Certificate in NonProfit Administration. Learn more about this online course >>
This certificate includes two courses that can also be taken individually: Revenue Generation for Nonprofits and Program Evaluation for Nonprofits.
Certificate in SQL
with LERN Courses Online
Structured Query Language (SQL) is the industry standard database programming language. It is one of the most in-demand skills in occupations that require interaction with data and analyzing data. Through your knowledge of Structured Query Language, you will become more marketable in computer related career fields that pertain to database administration. Learn more about this online course >>
This certificate includes three courses that can also be taken individually: Introduction to SQL, Intermediate SQL and Advanced SQL.
Certificate in Workplace Communication
with LERN Courses Online
Good communication in the workplace is more important than ever. And critical to your career advancement and success. Come get a comprehensive and intensive preparation with skills and techniques you can put to use on Monday morning. Take back a workable conflict management model, along with successful and practical conflict management strategies. Then work with a pro to learn how to improve your negotiation skills for a win-win outcome, including helping others to get what they want, so you get what you want. Finally, find out more about yourself and others using personality profiles for better work performance. You will be learning from some of our more popular instructors and taking away new how-to skills that work. Learn more about this online course >>
This certificate includes three courses that can also be taken individually: Conflict Management, Negotiation:Get What You Want and Using Personality Profiles for Better Work.
Certified Clinical Medical Assistant (CCMA) (Voucher Included)
with Career Training Online
You will learn the necessary skills to function as a vital member of the healthcare team in a hospital setting, clinic, or physician's office as you prepare for a career as a Certified Clinical Medical Assistant (CCMA), and the national certification exam. Learn more about this online course >>
Certified EKG Technician (Vouchers Included)
with Career Training Online
Electrocardiography (EKG) technicians are vital members of any healthcare team. If you want to join the booming healthcare industry as an EKG tech, this in-depth course will train you to apply, monitor and measure electrocardiography tests in a flexible, online learning environment. Learn more about this online course >>