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Microsoft Excel
in Computer Applications
Excel Level 1
with Rhonda Williams

Learn the basics of Excel including entering and formatting numbers and text; ranges; copying and moving data; basic formulas; data entry short-cuts like filling in a range, autosum, auto complete and autofill; relative and absolute cell references; searching Help; formatting and printing.
Cancellations: To cancel a class, five (5) business days' notice prior to the course starting date is required to withdraw and receive a refund.
Testimonial: "Rhonda Williams was a wonderful instructor. She was very knowledgeable and easy to follow. I would take more of her courses in the future." Bailey Morris
Testimonial: "Loved my instructor. She was very knowledgeable and also made class fun!" Magan Rogers
Excel Level 2
with Rhonda Williams

Excel Level 2 covers large workbooks with multiple worksheets; 3D formulas; more advanced formulas for financial; logical and date questions; Excel as a datasheet (database table), including sorting and filtering, charts, comments and hyperlinks.
Cancellations: To cancel a class, five (5) business days' notice prior to the course starting date is required to withdraw and receive a refund.
Testimonial: "The instructor was able to take what would otherwise be a tedious subject and make it interesting. The lecture was hands-on and full of practical application." Billy Stidham
Excel Level 3
with Rhonda Williams

Excel Level 3 covers how to use Excel for a variety of problem-solving tasks. Included are how to use Excel as a database; utilizing conditional formatting, data validation, the Data Table, outlining and subtotaling; Paste Special with calculations; consolidating; programmatic formulas including VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, ISERROR and nested IF statements with AND and OR; and Pivot Tables and Scenarios.
Cancellations: To cancel a class, five (5) business days' notice prior to the course starting date is required to withdraw and receive a refund.
Testimonial: "The instructor was able to take what would otherwise be a tedious subject and make it interesting. The lecture was hands-on and full of practical application." Billy Stidham, Excel Levels 1, 2 and 3
Mastering Microsoft Excel
with LERN Courses Online
A must-have skill to succeed in business, whether an entrepreneur or a valued employee, is the ability to create, edit and manage spreadsheets. Microsoft Excel is the most used spreadsheet tool in the world. Stay current with this class, as it is always up-to-date and will change as the features of Excel change over time. Examine the life of an Excel worksheet and workbook, from creation to presentation. Learn more about this online course >>
This course can be taken individually or with two additional courses: Advanced Excel and Intermediate Excel to earn a complete Certificate in Mastering Excel.
Microsoft Excel 2019 Certification
with Career Training Online
If your organization uses lists of any kind, you need to know how to use Microsoft Excel. Earning Microsoft Office Specialist and Expert certifications sets your professional skill set apart from other Excel users. This course will prepare you for the Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) and Expert certification exams for Excel. Learn more about this online course >>
Microsoft Office 2019/Office 365 - Value Suite
with Ed2Go Online
Each course within the Microsoft Office 2019 Value Suite will introduce you to the basic features and functionality of Microsoft's 2019 software.
Introduction to Microsoft Word 2019/Office 365
Across all industries, the ability to create documents in a word processor is essential in day-to-day functions. The Introduction to Microsoft Word 2019/Office 365 course will teach you the basics of Word, so you can create, format, and organize professional-looking documents. By the time you're done with this hands-on course, you will be able to confidently use this popular word processing software at home or on the job.
Introduction to Microsoft Excel 2019/Office 365
Introduction to Microsoft Excel 2019/Office 365 includes new text and images based on the Excel 2019 update. You will learn a number of basic time-saving functions, including how to write basic formulas, design custom charts and graphs, and create three-dimensional workbooks. You will also be introduced Excel 2019's powerful charting capabilities like Quick Analysis and Flash Fill. When you finish the course, you will feel at ease creating worksheets and utilizing Excel's many features.
Introduction to Microsoft PowerPoint 2019/ Office 365
The Introduction to Microsoft PowerPoint 2019/Office 365 course will teach you how to use PowerPoint to create engaging, dynamic presentations. Each lesson includes instructional content, supplementary material, learning assessments, and an assignment to practice your newly acquired skills. With millions of PowerPoint presentations conducted daily, knowing how to effectively use this software is perfect for adding value to your professional profile.
Suite bundles are not eligible for partial drops or refunds. Transfers to other open sessions of the same course are available. Please refer to your school for additional details regarding drops, transfers, and refunds on Suite bundles.