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Help! I'm Teaching Science
in Science Workshops K-12
Help! I'm Teaching Science; What Do I Do Now?
with Beverly Meinzer

Ms. Beverly Meinzer, UACCB Science Faculty, will present an information session and discussion on how to order, store, use and dispose of chemicals in the middle school and high school science lab. Participants will be given information on these topics along with information about online resources. Several practical, easy to do experiments that can be done in the school science setting will be performed by the participants. The workshop is free and is designed for secondary science teachers. The event is sponsored by White River Regional Solid Waste Management District.
The workshop will be held on Tuesday July 22 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the UACCB Arts & Science Building, room 303 and 304. Seating is limited to 20. Lunch will be provided. For questions, call 870-612-2082.
Will run